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Home » ‘White Threads’ on Tangerines│Good for Intestinal Health?

‘White Threads’ on Tangerines│Good for Intestinal Health?

  • Food

When you peel a tangerine, you can see a
white, thread-like part between the pulp and the outer skin, known as the
“tangerine pith” or “albedo.” Many people tend to remove
this part before eating, finding it tasteless and fibrous. However, the
tangerine pith is as nutritionally rich as the pulp itself, and from a health
perspective, it’s beneficial to consume it along with the fruit.

1. Tangerine Pith for Blood and
Capillary Health

The white threads of the tangerine,
referred to as the pith, are not mere by-products but contain vital nutrients
for health enhancement. This part is especially rich in a beneficial compound
called ‘hesperidin.’ Hesperidin plays a role in improving the elasticity of
blood vessels and promoting blood circulation, contributing significantly to
the prevention of vascular diseases and enhancing the function of capillaries.
Since capillaries play a crucial role in blood flow and nutrient delivery in
our body, maintaining their health is vital for overall physical well-being.

2. Benefits of Tangerine Pith

The tangerine pith is also effective in
relieving constipation. The dietary fiber contained in it activates intestinal
movements, facilitating bowel activities. Constipation is caused by reduced
peristalsis in the colon, and the intake of fiber-rich tangerine pith helps in
shortening the transit time in the intestines.

A significant study conducted by the
nutrition department of King’s College London with 1,251 participants
investigated the effect of dietary fiber on constipation. The study revealed
that consuming more than 10 grams of dietary fiber daily for over four weeks
significantly alleviated constipation symptoms. This discovery underscores the
positive impact of dietary fiber on intestinal health and bowel function.

In addition to dietary fiber, the
tangerine pith also contains nutrients like vitamin C and vitamin P, known for
their potent antiviral, anti-allergy, and anti-cancer effects, contributing to
overall health improvement. These nutrients in the pith strengthen the immune
system and help in preventing various health issues.

3. Eat Raw Tangerines with Pith

It’s recommended to eat tangerines in
their natural state, including the pith, to effectively absorb all the
nutrients. Juicing or blending tangerines might result in losing the beneficial
elements found in the pith, so it’s preferable to consume the whole fruit.

However, like all foods, tangerines
should be consumed in moderation. Tangerines should be eaten as a snack in portions not exceeding 100 grams at a
time, roughly three-quarters of a medium-sized tangerine. Although it might
seem like a small amount, tangerines contain high levels of simple sugars that
can rapidly increase blood sugar levels. This is particularly important for
diabetic patients, who should be cautious not to overconsume tangerines. Therefore,
despite their nutritional value, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced intake of