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Home » Is It Okay to Eat the ‘White String’ & ‘Red Spots’ Inside an Egg?

Is It Okay to Eat the ‘White String’ & ‘Red Spots’ Inside an Egg?

  • Food

egg chalaza

Raw eggs are an essential ingredient in
many dishes. They are used in a variety of foods such as steak tartare, ramen,
and bibimbap. However, when using raw eggs, you may often find a white string
or red spots. Is it safe to eat them?

1. White String: A Bundle of Quality

When examining an egg, a common sight is
a white, elongated string known as the ‘egg chalaza.’ The chalaza is located
next to the egg yolk, playing a vital role in keeping the yolk centered.
Commonly mistaken for fat or cholesterol, the chalaza is actually made of
high-quality protein and is rich in an enzyme called ‘lysozyme.’ Lysozyme is an
antibacterial component widely used in pharmaceuticals and food preservatives.
According to domestic research, egg lysozyme is known to be effective in
eliminating salmonella bacteria. The fresher the egg, the more prominent the
chalaza appears.

2. Red Spots: Blood Marks from Burst
Ovarian Capillaries

The red spots occasionally found in raw
eggs are known as ‘blood spots.’ Blood spots occur when tiny blood vessels in
the ovary burst during the egg’s formation in the hen’s oviduct, leaving marks
on the surface of the yolk. This phenomenon can be caused by various factors,
such as the hen being exposed to high temperatures, stress, the breed of the
hen, aging, or excessive activity during ovulation. Since blood spots are not
foreign matter, consuming the egg thoroughly cooked poses no health risk.

3. Proper Storage of Eggs

Proper storage of eggs is crucial for
maintaining their freshness. When storing eggs, it’s advisable to place the
pointed end, known as the ‘sharp end,’ downwards, and the rounded end, or
‘blunt end,’ upwards. This practice takes into consideration the 7,000 to
17,000 pores on an eggshell, which allow air to move in and out of the shell.
These pores are especially numerous on the blunt end and relatively fewer on
the sharp end.

It is recommended to store eggs in the
refrigerator as soon as possible after purchase, particularly in the inner part
of the refrigerator. This helps maintain egg freshness by preventing the eggs from
shaking each time the refrigerator door is opened and closed. Shaking can
loosen the chalaza, which holds the yolk in the center, potentially damaging
the egg’s internal structure and reducing its freshness. Thus, storing eggs in
a part of the refrigerator where they are unlikely to be shaken, and keeping
the temperature between 0~4 degrees Celsius, is ideal.