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The king of citrus: ‘Yuzu’│The best choice for winter

  • Food
Yuzu, Good for Winter Cold

Yuzu, often referred to as the ‘king of citrus fruits’, becomes a popular ingredient in health beverages during the fall season. As the first chill of the season arrives, the risk of colds and other respiratory illnesses increases, and a cup of yuzu tea can warm the body and greatly contribute to maintaining health.

1. Enhances Liver Function, Bone Health, and Aids in Anti-Aging

Yuzu, sometimes called ‘nature’s vitamin bomb’, is highly effective in promoting health. It’s gaining attention for its effectiveness in hangover relief, thanks to the abundant Vitamin C in yuzu. Vitamin C assists in alcohol metabolism, alleviating hangovers, and enhancing liver function to support the detoxification process caused by alcohol.

Additionally, yuzu is effective in preventing osteoporosis. Calcium, essential for the formation of bones and teeth, is found in higher levels in yuzu compared to other fruits. This plays an important role in the bone growth of children in their developmental stages and in preventing osteoporosis in the elderly. Yuzu also contributes significantly to maintaining dental health.

Rich in potent antioxidants like hesperidin, yuzu helps in anti-aging and protecting capillaries. These antioxidants protect cells from free radicals, contributing to overall physical health and skin vitality. The organic acids in yuzu stimulate metabolism, enhancing energy production within the body, and thus aiding in daily vitality.

2. Beneficial for Smokers and Pregnant Women

Yuzu is particularly beneficial for smokers and pregnant women. Smoking can deplete Vitamin C in the body, negatively impacting the immune system, with a single cigarette consuming about 25mg of Vitamin C. This can lead to skin aging and various health issues. However, the abundant Vitamin C in yuzu can replenish the deficiency caused by smoking, reducing cell damage from active oxygen and strengthening the immune system.

For pregnant women, yuzu is an important natural source of folic acid. Folic acid is an essential nutrient during pregnancy, crucial for the neural development of the fetus. A deficiency in folic acid can increase the risk of birth defects and the possibility of premature birth. Folic acid intake through yuzu supports the healthy development of the fetus and reduces various risks associated with pregnancy.

3. Tips for Selecting Yuzu

When choosing yuzu, several important factors should be carefully considered. Good quality, fresh yuzu should have a round appearance with a smooth surface. The peel should be free of scars or blemishes and should be elastic. The stem end should also be fresh and not dry. Wrinkled or dry peel is a sign of less fresh yuzu, and such fruits should be avoided. The aroma of yuzu is also an important criterion for selection, with a preference for a fruit that emits a fresh and fragrant scent, which is a good indicator of the fruit’s freshness and quality.

4. Ways to Utilize Yuzu

One popular way to use yuzu is in making yuzu tea, widely known as a health beverage that strengthens immunity and prevents colds. When preparing yuzu syrup, it is advisable to cut the yuzu into appropriate sizes and mix it with honey or sugar in a container, then seal and age it in a cool, dark place for several months. The aged yuzu syrup can be mixed with hot water for consumption and is effective in relieving sore throats, headaches, and neuralgia. It’s typically recommended to drink 2-3 cups of yuzu tea per day, which aids in Vitamin C intake and ensures adequate hydration. However, the amount of sugar or honey should be adjusted according to individual health conditions and preferences.