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‘Dandruff’ that persists despite daily shampooing: ‘Simple removal methods’

  • Life
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The impact of seasonal changes on scalp health is significant. In particular, during the dry winter and fall seasons, the scalp tends to become dry and flaky. In such conditions, more scalp flakes form and shed, making dandruff more likely to occur. The dry air reduces the natural moisture retention of the scalp, weakening its defensive mechanisms and potentially accelerating dandruff development. So, what are the solutions?

1. Dandruff can occur despite frequent hair washing

Dandruff can be categorized into two types: dry and oily, each with unique characteristics. Dry dandruff usually arises from a lack of moisture in the scalp, forming small, white, easily shed flakes. This type of dandruff is light and often becomes visible on clothes and shoulders. Oily dandruff, on the other hand, results from excessive sebum production, characterized by larger, yellowish flakes. These flakes are stickier and adhere more to the scalp, sometimes accompanied by an unpleasant smell.

This phenomenon is closely related to the habit of frequently washing the scalp. Washing hair daily can help maintain cleanliness but is not always effective in preventing or reducing dandruff. Daily washing can strip the scalp of its natural oils, leading to dryness and worsening dry dandruff. Additionally, a dry climate can exacerbate moisture loss from the scalp, contributing to the severity of dry dandruff. In the case of oily dandruff, frequent washing can stimulate the sebaceous glands, increasing sebum production, clogging scalp pores, and causing inflammation, thus creating a vicious cycle of more dandruff formation.

Persistent inflammation can sensitize the scalp, leading to various scalp problems. For example, seborrheic dermatitis, a condition related to inflammation, can cause red spots, itching, and dandruff on the scalp. Folliculitis, inflammation of the hair follicles, can result in swollen, reddened areas around hair strands, sometimes with pus formation. If these conditions persist, they can degrade hair health and, in severe cases, lead to early hair loss. Hair loss, characterized by premature hair shedding or halted growth, can be accelerated by the continuous inflammation of the scalp associated with dandruff.

2. Appropriate management methods for dry and oily dandruff

Since dry dandruff primarily stems from a lack of moisture in the scalp, appropriate hydration is essential. Using products like hair masks or treatments that provide moisture is beneficial. These products offer more intensive moisture and nourishment than regular shampoos or conditioners, alleviating scalp dryness and reducing flake formation. Additionally, scalp massages using natural oils to hydrate and promote blood circulation can be effective. However, those with dry dandruff should avoid excessive heat exposure. The hot air from hair dryers can further deplete scalp moisture, so air drying or using a dryer at a lower temperature is preferable.

Conversely, managing oily dandruff focuses on sebum control. Daily hair washing can aid in managing oily dandruff, but it’s crucial to use shampoos with gentle ingredients to avoid irritating the scalp. Avoid harsh rubbing or scratching; instead, gently massage the scalp with fingertips while washing. This minimizes scalp damage and prevents inflammation. Additionally, using shampoos or conditioners specifically designed to regulate sebum production and maintain clean pores can be considered. These products help control scalp oiliness and keep pores clean.

3. Professional dandruff treatment: Use of antifungal shampoos

One professional method for treating dandruff involves using shampoos containing specific antifungal ingredients. Shampoos with ketoconazole as a primary ingredient, such as Nizoral, are effective in inhibiting the growth of Pityrosporum ovale, a primary cause of dandruff. These shampoos are typically recommended for use twice a week, and the ketoconazole ingredient helps prevent the growth of dandruff-causing fungi, maintaining a healthy scalp. The effect of ketoconazole shampoo can last up to 72 hours per use, making it effective for ongoing dandruff management. Continuous use of these shampoos plays a vital role in cleansing the scalp and reducing dandruff, and consistent application can improve scalp conditions.

4. Additional dandruff management methods

Stress management also plays a crucial role in dandruff control. High stress levels, overwork, or lack of sleep can trigger or exacerbate existing dandruff. Taking adequate rest, maintaining regular sleep patterns, and utilizing relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga can be beneficial. Furthermore, if dandruff persists despite regular use of antifungal shampoos, other skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or scalp ringworm should be considered. In such cases, it’s important to seek professional medical diagnosis and appropriate treatment. This helps identify the exact cause of dandruff and find effective treatment methods.