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Home » The Critical Reason to Store ‘Apples’ & ‘Grapes’ Separately

The Critical Reason to Store ‘Apples’ & ‘Grapes’ Separately

  • Food

apple, grape

1. Apples & Grapes Ripening

Proper fruit storage hinges on
understanding how each fruit ripens after harvest. For instance, apples and
grapes should not be stored together because grapes can spoil quickly.
Conversely, storing less ripe avocados with apples can speed up the avocado’s
ripening. This occurs due to the varying respiration rates of different fruits
after harvest.

2. Apples & Grapes Respiration

Fruit respiration triggers biochemical
reactions, playing a crucial role in the ripening process. As the respiration
rate of harvested fruit increases, so does the pace of ripening, leading to
changes in the fruit’s color, texture, and aroma. To manage this, the carbon
dioxide concentration is often increased in storage environments to regulate
the respiration speed.

3. Classification of Fruits Based on
Respiration Rate

Fruits are broadly categorized into two
types based on their respiration rate. The first type, ‘respiration-climacteric
fruits’, includes those whose respiration rate increases after harvesting.
These fruits continue to experience increased respiration until fully ripened.
In contrast, ‘non-climacteric fruits’ do not show an increase in respiration
rate post-harvest, making it difficult for their taste to improve once picked.
Understanding these characteristics is vital for proper fruit storage.

Fruits primarily fall into
‘respiration-climacteric’ and ‘non-climacteric’ categories, each requiring
different storage methods.


Climacteric Fruits  (Apples)

‘Climacteric’ fruits include apples,
melons, peaches, pears, persimmons, plums, apricots, bananas, avocados, guavas,
mangoes, papayas, kiwis, and figs. These fruits exhibit a rapid increase in
respiration rate after harvest, with continued escalation until they ripen.
Tomatoes, though classified as vegetables, also fall under this category.


Non-Climacteric Fruits (Grapes)

On the other hand, ‘non-climacteric’
fruits include strawberries, grapes, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits,
lemons), cherries, blueberries, olives, and pineapples. These fruits experience
a decrease in respiration rate upon harvesting, meaning their taste does not
significantly improve post-harvest. Therefore, it is best to harvest these
fruits when they are fully ripe.


4. Storage of Climacteric (Apples) &
Non-Climacteric Fruits (Grapes)

It is not advisable to store climacteric
and non-climacteric fruits together. Climacteric fruits emit carbon dioxide,
ethylene (a plant hormone that promotes ripening), and other volatile gases
during respiration. These substances can negatively impact non-climacteric
fruits, potentially leading to a decrease in freshness. Thus, it’s crucial to
store these two types of fruits separately.