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High Protein Supplements: Beware Acne and Constipation Issues

  • Food
The benefits and precautions of high protein supplements.

Protein is an essential nutrient in everyone’s diet, especially for those who exercise or wish to maintain muscle mass. Conveniently, it can be consumed in the form of bars or beverages. High protein supplements are vital for maintaining and growing healthy muscles. However, inadequate protein intake can accelerate muscle breakdown. Therefore, it’s important to consistently consume an appropriate amount of protein. Excessive protein intake, though, can have negative effects on some individuals.

1. Lactose Intolerance and Choosing High Protein Supplements

People with lactose intolerance need to be cautious when choosing protein products. Most commercial high protein supplements use whey as a primary ingredient, a soluble portion obtained after curdling and removing the curds from milk. Whey protein, rich in essential amino acids like leucine and easily digestible, is beneficial for muscle growth. However, those with lactose intolerance can experience problems when consuming whey protein, as they cannot digest lactose found in milk. This may lead to digestive symptoms like abdominal pain and diarrhea. Hence, lactose-intolerant individuals should opt for protein products derived from plant sources like soy or peas, which don’t contain lactose and are safer options.

2. Acne and Its Relation to Protein Intake

People with acne should also be mindful of their protein intake, particularly whey protein, as it can increase the production of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). IGF-1, which promotes cell proliferation and growth, can increase sebum production in skin glands when it acts on them, potentially exacerbating acne. Thus, like those with lactose intolerance, individuals with acne should carefully select their high protein supplements sources, favoring plant-based proteins or other types less likely to negatively impact acne symptoms. Plant-based proteins like soy or pea protein may have a lesser effect on acne and can positively influence skin health.

3. High Protein Supplements Effects on Constipation

Individuals with constipation symptoms are advised to regulate their protein intake, as it can exacerbate constipation. Protein, especially when consumed as high protein supplements, takes relatively longer to digest compared to other nutrients, requiring more stomach acid and water in the process. Part of the digested protein separates into nitrogen, which is later converted to ammonia and processed as urea in the liver, eventually being excreted through urine.

High protein intake increases the volume of urine to be excreted, thereby increasing the body’s demand for water. This can lead to a reduction in water available for the colon, potentially causing or worsening constipation. Furthermore, the satiety from protein can reduce the intake of dietary fibers, which are beneficial for alleviating constipation. Therefore, those suffering from constipation might experience worsening conditions if they consume protein supplements.

4. Summary

Consuming high protein supplements requires careful consideration, as they are essential for muscle growth but can cause issues for those with lactose intolerance, acne, or constipation, necessitating mindful selection based on individual health needs.