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Fluid Selection: Glucose vs Nutritional Solutions

Choose between glucose solutions for energy and nutritional solutions for diet support.

When experiencing severe fatigue or weakened immunity, and even after excessive alcohol consumption, fluid therapy can be beneficial. However, it’s crucial to choose the right type of fluid based on your health condition. In this context of fluid selection, let’s explore the types of fluids and the precautions that need to be taken.

1. Fluid Selection: Glucose Solution

For tiredness, within the scope of fluid selection, a glucose solution is a good choice. This fluid provides both hydration and sugar, generating the necessary energy for the body. It’s highly effective for hangover symptoms like dizziness and vomiting after drinking alcohol. Alcohol breakdown produces a compound called NADH, which interferes with glucose production in the body. Administering a glucose solution can help replenish lowered blood sugar levels and alleviate hangover symptoms. However, long-term reliance on glucose solutions can lead to digestive function decline and essential mineral deficiencies, so caution is needed in fluid selection.

2. Fluid Selection: Nutritional Solution

If you’re unable to eat properly, leading to weight loss and weakened physical strength, a nutritional solution for fluid selection is suitable. This solution provides more nutrients and calories than a glucose solution. It contains a balanced mix of the three major nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, along with vitamins, electrolytes, and trace elements as needed. However, as a high-calorie product, people with hyperlipidemia, liver dysfunction, renal failure, or diabetes should avoid nutritional fluid therapy.

3. Precautions During Fluid Therapy

People with certain diseases should not only be cautious in their fluid choice but may need to avoid therapy altogether. Diabetic patients should be wary of potential blood sugar spikes due to fluids. Those with weak kidney function might experience added strain due to increased fluid levels from fluid therapy. Similarly, people with weak heart function might face increased vascular volume, burdening the cardiovascular system.

Also, if hypersensitive reactions like chest tightness or nausea occur after fluid administration, it’s advisable to refrain from fluid therapy.

4. Consultation with a Medical Professional is Essential

Indiscriminately receiving fluids or becoming overly dependent on them is not advised. Fluids are delivered directly to the veins, bypassing the intestines, which results in very rapid effects. However, fluids can only provide temporary relief and cannot address the root cause of problems. Therefore, before choosing a fluid, it’s crucial to consult with a doctor about your condition. This ensures proper diagnosis and testing to identify and address the underlying cause of any symptoms.

5. Summary

In fluid selection for health, firstly, glucose solutions are beneficial for energy and alleviating hangover symptoms. On the other hand, nutritional solutions are vital for those with inadequate diets. However, caution is essential for individuals with certain health conditions. Therefore, consulting a medical professional is imperative before starting fluid therapy.