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Home » Fasted Cardio: Truly Risky for Diabetics

Fasted Cardio: Truly Risky for Diabetics

  • Life
Fasted Cardio

Fasted cardio in the morning is gaining popularity. While it offers specific benefits, it is not suitable for everyone.

1. Increased Fat Burning

Fasted cardio can be effective in burning body fat. During exercise, carbohydrates and fats are burned together, but in a fasted state, the body’s stored carbohydrates are depleted, making fat the primary source of fuel. As a result, exercising on an empty stomach can lead to increased fat burning. Studies suggest that fasted cardio can burn up to 20% more fat than regular aerobic exercise.

2. Long-term Muscle Impact of Fasted Cardio

In the long term, this form of exercise can have a negative impact on dieting, particularly if done for extended periods. It can increase the risk of muscle loss since proteins in the body may be used as an energy source during fasted exercise. Reduced muscle mass can lower basal metabolic rate, potentially leading to weight gain. Therefore, it is recommended for those who need short-term fat loss or have high muscle and fat mass.

3. Risks of Fasted Cardio for Diabetic Patients

Fasted cardio can be dangerous for diabetics. Exercising in a fasted state can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. This happens due to increased secretion of glucagon, a hormone that raises blood sugar levels, as opposed to insulin during exercise.

Additionally, the stress hormone cortisol is released during exercise, and elevated cortisol levels can lead to blood sugar control issues. Cortisol interferes with insulin, leading to increased blood sugar levels.

4. Summary

While fasted aerobic exercise has the advantage of increasing fat burning, it can also lead to long-term muscle loss and be dangerous for diabetics. This method may be suitable for those needing fat reduction or with high muscle and fat mass, but it can vary based on health status and fitness level. Therefore, fasted cardio might only be appropriate in specific cases, and it’s important to create an exercise plan that matches individual health conditions and fitness levels. Particularly for those with health issues, seeking advice from a doctor or exercise professional is recommended.