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Facelift Surgery Benefits: Do Cheekbones Always Get Bigger?

Facelift Surgery Benefits

Hello, I am Dr. POPO, an expert in anti-aging cosmetic surgery and a plastic surgeon in Korea. As people age, their faces naturally change due to aging, and one of the most noticeable changes is sagging. As facial skin begins to sag, the contours of the face become uneven, and the area around the mouth and jawline droops, making the lower face appear heavier. These changes often give a tired and aged appearance. In recent years, more people have been opting for facelift surgery benefits to counteract these aging effects.

Understanding Facelift Surgery Benefits

A facelift is a type of “incision lifting surgery” that tightens the SMAS layer and retaining ligaments, which are structural components inside the face. The surgery pulls the face to improve sagging. However, some patients report that while the sagging improved after surgery, their cheekbones appeared larger. Some facelift reviews even claim that “larger cheekbones are inevitable” after the surgery. But is this really true?

Debunking the Myth: Do Facelifts Enlarge Cheekbones?

The conclusion is that a facelift does not necessarily result in larger cheekbones. Strictly speaking, if the cheekbones appear wider after a facelift compared to before, this is considered a “side effect.” Since everyone is subject to gravity, the direction in which the face sags is also in line with gravity. Facelift surgery corrects this sagging by pulling the loosened SMAS layer and retaining ligaments in the “vertical direction,” opposite to the direction of gravity. The key is to restore the face to its original state before sagging, by lifting it in the opposite direction of sagging. This should make the face look smaller, not wider, and the cheekbones should remain the same size as before the surgery.

Incorrect Techniques and Their Consequences

However, if the cheekbones appear larger after a facelift, it might be due to the direction in which the face was pulled—”sideways” or “diagonally” rather than vertically. This direction does not counteract the sagging, resulting in a broader face and larger-looking cheekbones. Additionally, pulling the face sideways can push the sideburns further back, creating an unnatural and awkward appearance, and potentially necessitating hair transplantation. These outcomes are considered side effects of incorrect surgical techniques, and many patients who experience these issues undergo revision surgeries.

Ensuring Successful Facelift Surgery Benefits

When considering a facelift, it is crucial to verify the direction in which the SMAS layer and retaining ligaments will be pulled to prevent the cheekbones from enlarging. Checking before-and-after photos and reviews on the clinic’s website can help ensure the cheekbones do not appear wider, and the sideburns are not displaced. If performed correctly by an experienced surgeon, facelift surgery benefits include lifting the cheeks, mouth, and jawline, resulting in a smoother facial contour and a smaller-looking face. The front cheeks may also gain some volume, enhancing the overall three-dimensional appearance of the face.

Recovery Period After Facelift Surgery

Although a facelift involves incisions and extensive dissection, the recovery period is relatively short. Significant swelling and bruising typically peak by the third day and begin to subside quickly afterward. With about 5-7 days of recovery, most patients can return to their daily activities without major disruptions. Embracing facelift surgery benefits can lead to rejuvenation and a boost in self-confidence. By understanding the facelift surgery benefits and ensuring the procedure is done correctly, individuals can achieve the desired youthful appearance.