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Home » Edible Gold Powder: Glamour or Health in Luxury Sushi?

Edible Gold Powder: Glamour or Health in Luxury Sushi?

  • Food
Edible Gold Powder

There’s growing interest in the edible gold powder health impact, fueled by rumors that gold assists in detoxification, improves blood circulation, and aids in skincare. In Korea, luxury Omakase restaurants are enhancing the lavishness of their dishes by adding gold powder to premium ingredients like caviar and abalone. This raises curiosity about whether gold powder offers actual benefits to our body, beyond its aesthetic appeal.

1. Medical Efficacy and Edible Gold Powder

However, consuming gold has no positive health effects. Medically, there’s no evidence supporting claims that gold aids in detoxification, blood circulation, or skincare. The Korean Food and Drug Administration states that gold powder is used as a coloring agent to improve food appearance, without any health benefits expected from consumption. Moreover, the body mostly excretes edible gold without absorbing it, due to its chemically inert state.

2. Potential Health Risks and Heavy Metal Concerns

The edible gold powder also includes potential risks. Indiscriminate consumption of gold can be harmful to health. As a heavy metal, gold, unlike essential metals like zinc, iron, or copper, can accumulate in the body. Consuming small amounts of gold powder might not pose significant risks initially. However, continuous intake can damage the liver, which is crucial for removing heavy metals. This can lead to liver damage. Accumulation of heavy metals in the body can also harm kidney function. The kidneys filter out heavy metals, and their accumulation can damage kidney cells, leading to kidney disease and the risk of anemia. Gold consumption might affect the bone marrow’s blood-forming ability, impacting the cells that produce red blood cells and potentially leading to aplastic anemia.

Additionally, the edible gold powder should be considered in light of purity concerns. Some edible gold products may not meet purity standards or contain other heavy metals like chromium, cadmium, or nickel. People might consume gold for its aesthetic appeal, but it is not a health food. It’s important to actively avoid regular consumption as it can be harmful to health.

3. Summary

While there’s increasing interest in the edible gold powder, its health benefits are not medically proven. Gold powder is merely used as a food coloring agent, without any expected health benefits. Chemically inert, gold is mostly excreted from the body, and its indiscriminate consumption can be harmful. Gold, being a heavy metal, can cause liver damage, kidney dysfunction, and aplastic anemia with excessive intake. Moreover, some edible gold products may contain impurities or other heavy metals. Thus, regularly consuming gold as a health food is not recommended.