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Cooking Fire Prevention Tips: Are You Prepared?

  • Life
Ways to Extinguish a Fire During Cooking

Cooking fires are always a risk, especially during the heating process of cooking, where oil and other ingredients can ignite. Regular fire extinguishers often have limitations in effectively suppressing oil fires, necessitating specialized extinguishers like Class K fire extinguishers. Knowing the best course of action when facing a kitchen fire, such as an oil fire, is an essential cooking fire prevention tips.

1. Alternatives in the Absence of a Class K Extinguisher

If a Class K fire extinguisher is not available, using a wrung-out wet towel can be effective. This method, a key cooking fire prevention tip, suffocates the fire by cutting off the oxygen supply. In the absence of a wet towel, using large-leaf vegetables like cabbage or lettuce to cover the flames is another cooking fire prevention tip. Another method is using mayonnaise. The lecithin in mayonnaise can reduce the temperature of the oil and block oxygen, temporarily suppressing the fire. You should only attempt this cooking fire prevention tip when the fire is small and in its initial stages. For larger fires, it might exacerbate the situation.

Conversely, using water or kitchen detergents on the fire is dangerous and goes against cooking fire prevention tips. These methods can cause the flames to spread and increase the risk of burns. Fire department experiments have confirmed this, showing that water, ketchup, and kitchen detergents can spread the fire.

2. Cooking Fire Prevention Tips: Class K Fire Extinguishers

To respond to kitchen oil fires, having a Class K extinguisher is ideal, aligning with cooking fire prevention tips. While standard household extinguishers can temporarily suppress flames, there’s a high risk of re-ignition if the oil remains above its ignition point. Extinguishers are categorized into A, B, C, D, and K classes, with Class K being particularly effective for oil fires. Forming a rapid film layer over the oil is a crucial aspect. It effectively blocks flames and reduces temperature, serving as an essential cooking fire prevention tip.

3. Mandatory Placement of Class K Fire Extinguishers and the Situation in Private Homes

Recognizing their importance, the fire department mandated the placement of at least one Class K extinguisher in kitchens of certain public facilities since 2017. However, there is no mandatory regulation for Class K fire extinguishers in private homes. This lack of regulation indicates a significant gap in adhering to cooking fire prevention tips. Therefore, households using oil in the kitchen should ideally be equipped with a Class K extinguisher, as recommended by cooking fire prevention tips, for prompt and effective response in case of a fire.

4. Summary: Cooking Fire Prevention Tips

Cooking fires, especially from oil, require Class K fire extinguishers for effective suppression. In their absence, methods like using wet towels or mayonnaise for small fires are recommended, avoiding water and detergents. Despite their necessity in public kitchens, Class K fire extinguishers aren’t mandatory in private homes, indicating a gap in fire preparedness.