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Bedbugs│Special Attention Needed in ‘These Areas’ of Your Home!

  • Life

get rid of bedbugs

Recent outbreaks of bedbugs in various
indoor facilities in Korea, particularly in saunas and university dormitories,
have become a significant social issue. The severity of the problem is mainly
attributed to bedbugs imported from abroad, especially those found in places where
foreign visitors have stayed. Professor Yang Young-chul of the Department of
Health, Environment, and Safety at Eulji University points out that these
bedbugs are likely to spread to other areas via people’s travel luggage.
Consequently, there is a growing concern that a nationwide spread of bedbugs is
only a matter of time, and there is an urgent need for prompt and effective
measures to address this issue. The situation calls for widespread awareness
and the development of effective control methods.

1. Bedbugs: Clean Furniture with Hot Water

Bedbugs thrive in warm indoor
environments, often in homes where heating maintains indoor temperatures above
20 degrees Celsius even in cold seasons. According to Professor Yang
Young-chul, bedbugs typically inhabit furniture like beds and sofas and can survive
even in temperatures below 10 degrees. They can live for 70 to 150 days even
without feeding on blood.

Bedbugs, known as ‘bedbugs’ due to their
nocturnal nature, are difficult to eradicate once they establish a habitat.
Professor Yang advises that if bedbugs are found in beds or clothes, washing
them with water above 70 degrees or using a dryer at high heat for over two
hours is effective. However, it’s important to note that bedbugs have
resistance to insecticides, making them hard to eliminate with regular
household sprays.

2. Treating Bedbug Bites

Symptoms of bedbug bites vary, and these
insects usually bite exposed skin areas such as arms, legs, face, and neck.
Bites can appear in clusters or lines, causing red or white swelling, blisters,
or pustules, with itching being a primary symptom. Severe cases can lead to
anemia or fever due to excessive blood loss, and scratching can increase the
risk of inflammation.

To manage these symptoms, focusing on
relieving itching is important. According to Professor Choi Jae-eun of the
Dermatology Department at Nowon Eulji Hospital, antihistamines can alleviate
itching from bedbug bites. Steroid creams and warm compresses can reduce skin
inflammation. In severe cases, antibiotics may be recommended.

Proper treatment for bedbug bite
symptoms is crucial, as neglecting itching or excessive scratching can lead to
skin damage or secondary infections. Therefore, it’s advisable to consult a
dermatologist if symptoms are severe. In cases of anemia or fever resulting from
bedbug bites, immediate medical attention is necessary. Professional treatment
is emphasized as home remedies are often inadequate for resolving these issues.