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Home » Winning the Battle Against ‘Mold’│Essential Seasonal Home Tips

Winning the Battle Against ‘Mold’│Essential Seasonal Home Tips

  • Life


1. Understanding Mold Growth in Winter

Mold isn’t just a summer problem; it can
also thrive in winter due to condensation. This phenomenon occurs when the
temperature difference between indoors and outdoors causes water droplets to
form on ceilings, walls, and around windows. Using heating systems during
colder weather increases the indoor-outdoor temperature gap, leading to
condensation. Mold resulting from this can pose health risks, penetrating the
respiratory system and skin, causing allergic rhinitis, asthma, dermatitis, and
even worsening existing conditions. Those with weakened immunity face a higher
risk of pneumonia when exposed to mold spores.

2. Optimizing Indoor Climate: Key to
Preventing Winter Mold

To prevent condensation and mold,
maintaining the right indoor temperature and humidity is crucial. The ideal
temperature is between 18-21°C, and humidity should be 40-60%. Even in cold
weather, ventilate for at least 10 minutes to maintain humidity, and use a
humidifier or hang laundry indoors if it’s too dry. However, excessive humidity
can also lead to mold, so be cautious.

3. Practical Measures: Combating
Condensation and Mold

To prevent condensation, apply
anti-condensation tape to prone areas like doors and windows. Wipe off any
water droplets immediately and use a fan or hairdryer for extra drying. Placing
dehumidifiers, newspapers, or charcoal in wardrobes or kitchens can also help
absorb moisture.

4. Effective Remedies: Tackling Existing
Mold Infestations

If mold does appear, it’s important to
remove it quickly to prevent spreading. For wallpaper mold, mix alcohol and
water in a 1:4 ratio, spray it on, wait 10 minutes, then wipe off with a dry
cloth. Like condensation removal, thoroughly dry the area with a hairdryer to
prevent mold regrowth. Avoid using wet wipes or damp cloths as they can spread
mold spores. For bathroom and sink mold, use a mixture of baking powder and
vinegar or toothpaste.