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Oysters│Boosting Energy and Vitality, Ideal for Winter!

  • Food


Oysters, a highly nutritious food, reach
their peak season in November and are very beneficial for health and immunity
enhancement. During this period, the nutrients in oysters are at their highest,
offering various health benefits. Let’s explore the key features of oysters and
their positive effects on male health in detail.

1. Oysters & Brain Function Enhancement

Oysters are rich in taurine, which
significantly aids in activating brain functions. Taurine plays a vital role in
regulating the osmotic pressure of brain cells, contributing to the maintenance
of healthy brain function. For instance, about 1130mg of taurine is contained
in 100g of oysters, comparable to the amount in a typical energy drink. This
high taurine content also helps in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

Experts recommend special cooking
methods to maximize the benefits of taurine when preparing oyster dishes. For
example, when making oyster soup, it’s advised to cook it lightly to minimize
the loss of taurine into the broth. Consuming the broth along with the oysters
ensures adequate intake of taurine and other nutrients.

2. Immune Boosting with Oysters

Oysters, often called “milk of the
sea,” are known for their excellent immune-boosting and vitality-enhancing
properties due to their rich content of nutrients like amino acids, glycogen,
vitamin B, taurine, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

With a high calcium content but low
calories, oysters are ideal for those on a diet, providing essential
supplementation in a calcium-deficient diet. They are also beneficial for women
suffering from anemia, thanks to their high iron and copper content.

3. Oysters Promoting Male Hormones

Oysters are known for their rich zinc
content, which plays a crucial role in boosting the secretion of male hormones,
specifically testosterone. Zinc is essential for enhancing male sexual function
and sperm formation, thus playing a significant role in maintaining and
improving male sexual health.

Additionally, the zinc in oysters also
aids in immune boosting. For example, 100g of oysters contains about 90mg of
zinc, significantly more than the 5mg of zinc typically lost in a male ejaculation.
Zinc promotes skin tissue regeneration, strengthens the immune system, helps
prevent skin infections, and is effective in improving acne.

4. Oysters’ Benefits for Skin Care

Oysters are highly beneficial for skin
health and beauty, as mentioned in traditional Korean medicine texts like
“Dongui Bogam.” According to it, oysters make the skin finer and
smoother and improve complexion. This is due to the vitamins and minerals in
oysters, essential for skin health.

Zinc in oysters promotes skin tissue
regeneration and strengthens immunity, playing a crucial role in preventing
skin infections and improving skin problems like acne. Thus, oysters help
maintain elastic, clean skin and contribute significantly to healthy skin

5. Need for Heating Oysters for Safety

It’s important to heat and cook oysters
before consumption for safety. Especially in winter, the risk of pathogens like
norovirus increases, and oysters can be a source of food poisoning. Norovirus
is vulnerable to heat, so it’s safer to cook oysters rather than consuming them

Various dishes like oyster rice soup,
steamed oysters, and oyster pancakes involve cooking oysters thoroughly,
reducing the risk of norovirus infection. For products labeled for cooking or
to be eaten cooked, it’s recommended to heat them to a core temperature of 85
degrees Celsius for at least one minute. This cooking method ensures safe
consumption of oysters and minimizes the risk of food poisoning.